Tiger, The Kitty We Babysat, For 22 Years!

Many years ago, our daughter, Lori, brought home a little ball of fluff and asked if she could "babysit" him for a week. It seemed that one of our neighbors was moving, but going on vacation for a week, first. Well, since the neighbors had already left, there was no way I could say no. At the time, we had a dog; but had never had a cat, so off to the store for supplies. Litterbox, food, toys, etc, etc. A lot of trouble for one week, you might be thinking.  The week passed quickly; but the neighbors didn't come to claim their kitty. Another week, then another, and so forth. By this time, the ball of fluff had completely taken over our home. Nobody was going to take him anywhere! He owned us :) Soon this fluffball started growing into a beautiful cat. He was obviously part Persian and part gray tabby. Although we weren't sure how old he was, it became apparent, when he sat in the window and howled at night, that it was time for a little trip to the vet. Tiger didn't seem to mind; and, he became the most "kicked back" cat I've ever met.  Lori and her little friends would put on plays for their parents; and, Tiger was always the star. For set design, they used doll furniture. Tiger would allow Lori to dress him in doll clothes, and sit in a doll highchair while drinking milk from a doll baby bottle. Over the years, more cats and kitties moved into our home (Tiger's Domain); and Tiger accepted each new arrival with his usual "OK by me" attitude. He moved around the country with us, and never seemed to mind the travel or new surroundings.He always knew when someone came to our house that was uneasy around cats. That was the lap he would choose to jump in and settle down for a nap. Even the vacuum cleaner did not disturb Tiger. If he happened to be taking a nap in the middle of the floor, we would just have to clean around him!

Tiger was with us for 22 years. Although he went to the Rainbow Bridge in l994, he will always have a special place in our hearts. And, while we miss him, we feel certain that he is in charge of welcoming new arrivals to the Bridge, and will be waiting for us to be with him once again.
Visit all the furbabies
OUR STORIES (How we found a home) Littlefoot (Queen of Dana Point!) Bambi (The Darling of the Lap Set) Kee Kee (Our Toys Manager) Sara (Our Newest Furbaby) Sara's Story (How This Lost Baby Found Her Home) Mewpe (A Tribute to Mewpe) Mewpe, Our Furangel (Mewpe's Story)
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 Thank you, Shirley
Globe base provided by Always Unique PSP Tubes
Lovely Memorial graphic, and other Vintage graphics by
 Thank you, Diane.

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