Mewpe was born in a dirty, dangerous muffler repair shop. His momma was a stray, who decided to move into the office of the shop to have her kitties. When we went to see the kitties, at about 5 weeks of age, one was laying quietly in the box among his feisty siblings. Of course, we chose this sick little orange tabby; and, immediately took him to an emergency veterinarian clinic. The poor little guy was so infested with fleas and parasites that he was seriously anemic. He was so weak that he had not even been able to eat or drink; so, he was also terribly malnourished and dehydrated as well. They assured us that they would do everything possible for him; but, they truthfully did not expect him to survive through the night.When I called the vet, first thing the next morning, I was expecting the worse; but, much to everyone's amazement, the kitty was vastly improved, eating and drinking and ready to play! I was even able to bring him home that very day! He was still scrawny and weak, but not the same kitty that was so near death a mere 24 hours ago! When we set him down in his new home, he looked up at us and said "Mewp"! That's right, there was a "p" at the end of his little mews! We figured he was telling us his name, so he became Mewpe (pronounced MEW'PEE). Soon, he became the terror of the household. I guess he was making up for lost time, when he was too weak and sick to play with his littermates; and tried to get our adult cats to join in his antics!!
Eventually, he grew into a great big beautiful 22 pound orange tabby, who still loved to play rough, but loved to cuddle, even more. He would cuddle with us, with our dog, with the other cats, even with a life sized sandstone sculpture of a Labrador puppy! He just overflowed with affection.
When he was about 6 years old, we were "adopted" by a beautiful little 5 week old feral kitty. We brought this tiny ball of fluff into the bedroom, and set her down next to Mewpe, who was having his afternoon catnap on our waterbed. She immediately curled up against his warm soft belly, and Mewpe gave her a thorough bath, then put his arm around her and the two of them went to sleep like two spoons in drawer. From that day forward, the little feral, whom we named Littlefoot, became Mewpe's very own kitty.....not ours at all!
A few years later, we found a very sick, starving, injured and abused 5 month old tuxedo tabby kitty, who was afraid of everything....but mostly of other cats! It took him a while, but eventually, Mewpe convinced Bambi to join in the cuddles with him and Littlefoot. But, Bambi is my cat, by her choice, so she never became as close to Mewpe as Littlefoot did.
Although it's been over three years since our beloved Mewpe went to wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge, Littlefoot still cries in her sleep, and looks for the comfort of his soft furry belly. She misses him as much as we do.
A few weeks after we lost our precious Mewpe, Mike was in a pet store, buying fish food, when he spotted a tiny orange and white tabby kitty in a cage with other, bigger kitties. When he asked the owner of ths shop what such a tiny kitty was doing there, away from his momma, the owner lied and said the kitty was 6 weeks old. Mike, of course, did not believe this, and decided the only way to save this kitty was to buy him. When he took him to our vet, and found out he was only 3 weeks old, we realized that he was born at about the same time that Mewpe went to the Bridge. KeeKee is very different from Mewpe; but, he prefers to sleep in the same spot that Mewpe slept in through his final illness, and loves to crawl up Mike's chest to cuddle, just as Mewpe did. Maybe we are reading more into this than we should be; but, I like to think that our furangel sent us this little baby to comfort us in our time of grief.
Thank you, Lisa, for this lovely award, in memory of your precious Pepper.
For anyone who has ever lost a beloved pet, this beautiful site is a place you must visit.
Thank you, John.
Thank you, Joanne, for this lovely gift, in memory of your precious Duke. We are honored to think that Duke would have approved.
Click this banner to read about some wonderful people who are saving kittens, and how you can help! Thank you, RUA, for creating this lovely award in memory of all the Bridge Babies.
Miss Minnie was kind enough to give Mewpe this award and add his story to her Rainbow Bridge Babies pages.
Thank you, Miss Minnie
The cat we babysat for 22 years.
(Our Sponsored Shelter Cat)
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