
Not everybody can subscribe to Purrrs & Stuff! Here are the requirements:

1. You must either be a cat, or
2. Be owned by a cat, or
3. Just be an admirer of the feline species!

If you qualify, please read on.

This popular newsletter consists of humerous cat related items, online cat events, animal rights issues and website updates.

We also highlight subscribers' cat websites in each issue, on a first come, first served basis; and, we will be happy to include your special cat related animal rights causes for all to learn about.

Please note: Your e-mail addy will not be visible to others on the list. Therefore, you will NOT receive e-mail from the other subscribers. Your privacy is guaranteed!

Remember, only subscribers websites will be featured.

 Join Purrrs & Stuff! 

PURRRS AND STUFF is a great way to keep up with events in the internet cat community and a great way to share your own cat events.

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